"Documenting pets since 2016
Little Bougies has been documenting pets, pet influencers, and pet events since 2016.
Little Bougies tells the story of how this new generation of pet influencers are helping to change the world for the better by being advocates for our furry friends. Pet influencers show compassion, promote adopt don’t shop, help rescues, support senior & disabled pets, and host events and fundraisers to help raise money for those who who have no voice.
As a content creator, digital storyteller, educator and documentary filmmaker, I document pet events, interview pet influencers, photograph and video events, and share the stories on social media.
I’m always looking for new events to attend, big or small, so don’t be shy to reach out and contact me. I’d love to share your story. LittleBougies@gmail.com
Did you know...
Did you know that humanizing pets has created positive outcomes in fostering a greater sense of empathy towards senior and disabled pets? In fact, some of these elderly and non-perfect fur-baby’s were among the first to be euthanized, but now they’re among the first to being adopted at unprecedented rates.
Are you aware that sometimes a simple accessory like a bowtie or t-shirt can make all the difference to saving a pet’s life? A second glance at a desperate, innocent animal, can often result in foster care or adoption, giving a loving fur-baby a forever home.
Did you know that pet clothes are not all in vain, and they often provide a purpose? Pets often wear boots or shoes during the winter months to shield their paws from the harmful effects of salt spread on the roads which can burn their paws. Shoes also offer protection in places where the sun is extremely hot and the pavement can burn their paws. Pets also wear sunglasses to protect their eyes in harsh climates, or places where the sun shines non stop. As for coats, many small pets get who don’t have long hair wear coats to keep them warm on a cold day. And don’t forget raincoats and boots can keep your pet dry in stormy weather.
Are you aware that the vast majority of events centered around pets, including birthday party celebrations and pet fashion shows, often serve as a dual purpose, as fundraisers for pet rescue organizations?
Little Bougies is about providing a unique perspective on why pet parents dress their pets, attend pet events, and advocate for animal rescue. By humanizing our pets, we are giving a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves, we are warming them up in a fleece jacket on a cold day, showing their vulnerabilities and charm, and in turn transforming the lives of animals that might have been otherwise overlooked. We must remember that many of these Bougie Pets are rescues themselves, saved from the harsh life of puppy mills, rescued from being euthanized in shelters for being too old or not cute enough, and many were found dumped on the streets and left to die.
We must also note, for better or worse, that social media has given us a platform to reach out to a lot of people and raise awareness about pet rescue and some of the harsh conditions pets were born into. Although some may argue that the pet industry should not exist at all, the fact is that it does exist and is not going away anytime soon. Therefore, we must move forward, respect our pets, give them the life they deserve, and make the world a better place for all animals to live.
And finally we must give credit to all the pet influencers in the world, who work hard to raise awareness, foster, offer tips and advice, and who have found a way to touch the hearts of many, while also managing to have fun in the process and be the entrepreneurs they were meant to be. There is nothing like putting a smile on someone’s face to keep everyone moving forward in the right direction.